2019년 5월 30일 목요일

St. Gregory Elementary School of 4th Grade Class/4th-5th Grade Split Class

1. Classroom Design

2. RECESS-playground

3. Hallway for Students' Works of Arts
 <History Class about Egyptian Papirus>

<Excursion to CN Tower>

4. Immersion Program English-French

**Teacher who uses English 
- Math, Language Art, Family Life, Library+Independent Reading

**Teacher who uses French 
- Other subjects such as Science, Social Studies...

**Physical Edu, Music, Drama... - another teacher

5. Textbooks

6. Google Classroom

7. Students' engagement

8. How to manage the Split Class at the same time same place...

9. Teachers' Friend 

10. Around School

Making bookmarks with dried pressed flowers

1. Mission: decorating the bookmarks with dried pressed flowers
               writing their names in Korean or anything else in Korean

2. Introduction

3. Real students' engagement


<Lots of students asked me about their last names in Korean as well.>

<The final products made by the students themselves>

Korean Culture Class for 4th Grade and 4th and 5th Grade Split Class

1. Bomb Game (feat. Kakao Bomb Game Template)

2. Group Game -Direction/Rules in advance

3. Choose the Alphabet in turn and answer the questions using the boards given to them.

4. Questions - according to the students' levels, interests,

4. What students actually did...